You’re going to get 3 to 15x more clients after the first day you launch your offer. And that’s a fact!
Truth is, way more people purchase after the first day, week or even month of putting your offer into the market!
Today, 365 days into launching some of my courses, I’m still earning.
This is because I understand that marketing isn’t a one-day job, but a continuous one…
And I’ve figured out how to use systems to do the everyday marketing for me…
So here are a few interesting facts you must consider when you launch your products or offers…
- Most clients will buy after the first 30 days…
- Don’t market your product for 1 week and then stop…
- You need multiple touch points to get someone to buy – some will buy now, some will buy later.
- You have to always remain top of mind. Some clients may not be ready to pay instantly, and that’s why if your offer keeps showing up, when they’re eventually ready, they won’t have to pay your competitor for that same offer!
A basic nurture/follow up email sequence can double or triple the sales. Set it ahead, drive traffic to that list and nurture leads into buyers leveraging automation.
So you see why you cannot afford to set up one offer, push it for a few days and give up on it?
The real sale happens AFTER the ‘sale’ if you’re strategic about it and understand buyers’ behavior and psychology.
People respond to offers in different ways, so don’t expect everyone to swipe their cards within the first few days of making that offer.
Walk that journey with them…
And have that ‘pay’ button right there in sight, immediately they are ready and willing to swipe their cards.
I hope this helps…
Feel free to drop your comments below…
And if you’re struggling with attracting clients to pay for your offers, and you want a strategic action plan you can implement to change this…
Email me at info@idarenotdread.com to book a 90 mins strategy session and let’s take it up from there!
To your business success,